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Mari State Medical University

Mari State University is considered to be a classical university of Mari El Republic. The University was founded in the year 1972. The University is the member of the Volga Region’s Association of classical universities, a member of the Russian Association of Classical Universities and the establisher of the Association of Finno-Ugric Universities. This University is one of the most influential and effective multi-field universities of the Volga Federal District and Russia. Mari State University plays a significant role in the socio-economic, political and spiritual development of the country on a whole.

In Mari University, there are 6 faculties and 5 institutions. The primary aim of the University is to prepare well-educated professionals for most sectors of the Russian National Economy. International Association of Figo-Ugric Association has this University as one of the five founder members. Also, the University is one of the forty one members of Russia’s Association of Classical Universities.



In Mari University, there are 6 faculties and 5 institutions. The primary aim of the University is to prepare well-educated professionals for most sectors of the Russian National Economy. International Association of Figo-Ugric Association has this University as one of the five founder members. Also, the University is one of the forty one members of Russia’s Association of Classical Universities.

campus life

In this University, the students have ample of options to do. There are scientific communities, Interest clubs, sports schools, volunteering charity work, public work, cultural events and much mor


International Activity

The University campus has 8 halls of residence, and 7 educational buildings. The total area of this University is 128,000 square meters. There is a staff of about 100 doctors of sciences and professors and 400 candidates of sciences and associate lecturers.


Each faculty consists of student scientific societies. This offers participation in the youth forums, seminars, and conferences on the city, Republican, regional, national, and international levels. There are various resources for physical activities such as mini-football field, track and field complex, two sandy courts for beach football, Asphalt court for team sports, gyms, fitness rooms, two exercise rooms for aerobics and a shooting range as well as indoor courts for playing basketball, and volleyball.
