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Orenburg State Medical University

Orenburg State Medical University was first established in the year 1944.

Orenburg State Medical University was first established in the year 1944. The University is located in Orenburg City which is 1,478 kilometers (918 mi) southeast from Moscow. OSMU is very close to the border with Kazakhstan. Nowadays, there are over 550 scientific and staff members working with this University.

Orenburg State Medical University is considered to the best University in Russia. The faculty provides the students with the field of General Medicine. Around 200 specialists pass out every year from this University who serve the patients all across the globe. During the training program, there are around 54 subjects for the students. There are around 47 departments and 300 professors and associate professors and doctors. The students get the chance to learn from the basics of the human body to the entire functioning of the body. The students of OSMU are provided with hands-on training in the hospital campus itself for the treatment of the patients. Within the syllabus, research work is included so that students can enhance their learning skills. .



Orenburg State Medical University was first established in the year 1944. The University is located in Orenburg City which is 1,478 kilometers (918 mi) southeast from Moscow. OSMU is very close to the border with Kazakhstan. Nowadays, there are over 550 scientific and staff members working with this University.

Orenburg State Medical University is considered to the best University in Russia. The faculty provides the students with the field of General Medicine. Around 200 specialists pass out every year from this University who serve the patients all across the globe. During the training program, there are around 54 subjects for the students. There are around 47 departments and 300 professors and associate professors and doctors. The students get the chance to learn from the basics of the human body to the entire functioning of the body. The students of OSMU are provided with hands-on training in the hospital campus itself for the treatment of the patients. Within the syllabus, research work is included so that students can enhance their learning skills. .

Campus Life


There are over 18 clinical bases aimed at training of students in Orenburg:

  1. Orenburg regional clinical hospital no 2
  2. Municipal city clinical hospital number 1
  3. Municipal city clinical hospital named after Pirogov N.I.
  4. Orenburg regional clinical hospital no. 1.
  5. Municipal city clinical hospital number 2.
  6. Railway clinical hospital of Orenburg .

International Activity

Orenburg State Medical University is considered to the best University in Russia. The faculty provides the students with the field of General Medicine. Around 200 specialists pass out every year from this University who serve the patients all across the globe.

Student life

OSMU has 3 hostels within the University. The third hostel is reserved for the Indian students. These hostels give a very homely feeling for the students who came from different places. There is a sports club in the University which was first inaugurated in the year 2013. Organizing and improving the sports work for students, propaganda of healthy lifestyle and upgrading of sportsmanship is the prime aim of the University. There are 12 sports leagues in the club in which all the Indian students participate such as; aerobics, swimming, basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, track-and-field athletics, table tennis, lifting, skiing, chess, etc.
