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Siberian State Medical University

Siberian State Medical University ‘s mission and vision is advancing patients’ care and public health issues through teaching, researching and clinical excellence in the Russian Federation.

The core aim of this University is to improve the quality of living of the people through new educational systems, research, and patients’ well-being. The faculty offers top-notch training, educational and research opportunities to their students.

The oldest department of the University is the Department of General Medicine. It is one of the largest departments at Siberian State Medical University as it has 29 theoretical and clinical divisions. More than 5500 students from 55 regions from Russia and 28 foreign countries have been graduated from here.



The core aim of this University is to improve the quality of living of the people through new educational systems, research, and patients’ well-being. The faculty offers top-notch training, educational and research opportunities to their students.

The oldest department of the University is the Department of General Medicine. It is one of the largest departments at Siberian State Medical University as it has 29 theoretical and clinical divisions. More than 5500 students from 55 regions from Russia and 28 foreign countries have been graduated from here.

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International Activity

There are enough opportunities for students who want to enrich their student life with various activities. There is a Year-Round Recreation Program that includes basketball, tennis, football, skiing and skating in winters and swimming in summers.

There are a number of student organizations and interest-based clubs available to all the students. These are Student Scientific Society, English Speaking Club, Volunteer Clubs, and much more!

Direct Admission for MBBS in Russia is now available in Siberian State Medical University. Contact Rus Education and apply now.


  1. Faculty of Medicine
  2. Faculty of Pediatrics
  3. Faculty of Pharmacy
  4. Faculty of Biology
  5. Faculty of Behavioral Medicine and Management