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Perm State Medical University

Today Perm State Medical University named after Academician EA Wagner – a major recognized scientific center of higher medical education and scientific research, one of the leading medical universities of Russia.

About University


  • Faculty of Medicine.
  • Faculty of Pediatrics.
  • Faculty of Density.
  • Medico-Prophylatic Faculty
  • Faculty of Psychology and Social Work and Higher Nursing Education.
  • Faculty of additional professional education.
  • Faculty of pre-university education and targeted training.





  • Faculty of Medicine.
  • Faculty of Pediatrics.
  • Faculty of Density.
  • Medico-Prophylatic Faculty
  • Faculty of Psychology and Social Work and Higher Nursing Education.
  • Faculty of additional professional education.
  • Faculty of pre-university education and targeted training.


Campus Life


The campus of the University is the winner of the “Best campus’Moscow Mayor’s Prize”. In the all-Russia contest, the University has won the title of “Best student hostel”. The campus has 50 hectares of land near a large park. It has 27 buildings, sport and medical facilities, hostels and shops. Out of these, 12 hostels have comfortable and cozy rooms with attached kitchens. There is a television and the internet access in each room. There are other facilities provided for students such as dry-cleaners, beauty salons, etc.

With that, there are various sports activities in the University. The University itself has rooms for gymnastics, handball, basketball, and football grounds. There are tennis courts and pools in all the buildings. The University campus has an international post office, a shopping center, an international student cultural center, a computer center, a telephone center, and some amazing restaurants that has national cuisine of the different countries.

The boundaries of the University are fully fenced. There is an electronic gate pass system that is strictly maintained for everyone. The visitors can enter only after they show their identity identifications. Fire Prevention System is there within the premises of the University.


International Activity

Perm State Medical University is titled after Academician EA Wagner. It is recognized by a significant scientific center that is recognized for higher medical education and scientific research. PSMU is one of the leading medical universities in Russia. There is a staff of 569 highly-qualified lecturers, a candidate for medical sciences. In the staff, there are the laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientist of Russia, Honored Worker of Higher School, honored doctors of Russia, winners of the regional awards of outstanding scientists of the Perm region of Professor PA Yasnitsky, holders of diplomas Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the fellows of state scientific scholarships to outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, fellows of the Perm region. 87.7% of faculty members have a medical degree. This is the highest among the medical universities of the country and among the universities of the Perm region.


Perm State Medical University is titled after Academician EA Wagner. It is recognized by a significant scientific center that is recognized for higher medical education and scientific research. PSMU is one of the leading medical universities in Russia. There is a staff of 569 highly-qualified lecturers, a candidate for medical sciences. In the staff, there are the laureates of the State Prize, Honored Scientist of Russia, Honored Worker of Higher School, honored doctors of Russia, winners of the regional awards of outstanding scientists of the Perm region of Professor PA Yasnitsky, holders of diplomas Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the fellows of state scientific scholarships to outstanding scientists and talented young scientists of Russia, fellows of the Perm region. 87.7% of faculty members have a medical degree. This is the highest among the medical universities of the country and among the universities of the Perm region.
