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MBBS In Georgia

Georgia has successfully achieved 100% of literacy and is considered to be the best place for studying medicine in the world. The medical universities of Georgia are the premium and the best option for any student who wants to study MBBS abroad.

The admission process for studying in Medical college in Georgia is very simple and hassle free. Students are not required to take any entrance test. The admission is done on the basis of the marks obtained in class 12th. After completing your MBBS from Georgia, you can directly apply for a screening test to get license to practice. The Medical universities and colleges in Georgia offer rich quality education with affordable cost as compared to other foreign countries.The facilities and infrastructure provided to the students are world class.

The medical universities of Georgia have got a worldwide recognition and offer high standard infrastructure and education. The medical universities of Georgia are recognized by MCI and WHO. The students obtaining MBBS from Georgia are eligible to work on any part of the world.

Why MBBS In Georgia?

Georgia has become a hot destination for students from around the world who want to pursue MBBS abroad.

1. The medical universities of Georgia are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Medical Council of India(MCI).

2. The MBBS degree from the medical colleges of Georgia are globally accepted.

3. The students are allowed to participate in international conferences and seminars which helps them in gaining more knowledge and experience.

4. The students in Georgia get sufficient discounts on travel within the country.

5. The top medical colleges of Georgia offer world class education with high outstanding staff.

6. The cost of the complete course of MBBS in Georgia very low compared to other countries.
