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MBBS in Guyana

MBBS in Guyana can be a life changing experience in one’s life. The universities in Guyana are MCI and WHO approved. Moreover, IELTS/TOEFL scores are not mandatory to go and study MBBS in Guyana.

uyana, a nation on South America’s North Atlantic drift, is characterized by its thick rainforest. English-talking, with cricket and calypso music, it’s socially associated with the Caribbean locale. Its capital, Georgetown, is known for British provincial design, including tall, painted-timber St. George’s Anglican Cathedral. An expansive clock denotes the exterior of Stabroek Market, a wellspring of nearby create.

Guyana has one of the biggest untainted rainforests in South America, a few sections of which are relatively out of reach by people. The rich regular history of Guyana was portrayed by early adventurers Sir Walter Raleigh and Charles Waterton and later by naturalists Sir David Attenborough and Gerald Durrell. In 2008, the BBC communicate a three-section program called Lost Land of the Jaguar which featured the enormous assorted variety of untamed life, including unfamiliar species and uncommon species, for example, the mammoth otter and nag falcon.

Why you should study MBBS in Guyana

  • No Donation
  • Admission on Merit Basis
  • No entrance tests
  • Low cost of living
  • Affordable education
  • Clinical Rotations in Guyana and Central US
  • Modern Infrastructure
  • Beautiful places to discover
  • Good employment opportunities